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Our LocationBhiwani, Kanshapatti, Patti, Pratapgarh (U.P.)

To be a leader in educational field, providing complete academic, cultural and physical and education. Aristotle was asked how much educated were superior to the uneducated and he said " as much as the living are to the dead. "That is the significance of education which leads us from darkness to light. In this world everything has a distinct quality of spreading light. In the same way man is also endowed with some inherent and innate powers, which could be imposed through education.
We want that education by which character is formed strength of the mind is increased, the intellect is expanded andby which one can stand on one's own feet.
SNS Public School is set up with special motto to cater to the needs of the children of the Village which are academic, Physical, cultural and moral development. It is an English Medium School Class I to
VIII. Every great achievement is done slowly.
Apart form overall development of our future generation, We try to inculcate in our student the feelings of patriotism, brotherhood, national integration and secularism to mould the destiny of 21st century. We do not belive in mere lecturing but to encourage confidence strength and activeness in our children who have to cope up with the rapidly changing world. We also believe in self discipline rather than forced or feared discipline.
With our best efforts we try to give a congenial environment to explore the hidden qualities in a child and help him to blossom into a good and culture human being. With highly qualified and dedicated staff and latest teaching equipments we try to transmit our excellence to the student who join us. Moreover there are many competitions and programmes with emphasis on sports, debates, dramatics, quiz programmes etc to search for talents and multiply them.